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Thursday, August 1, 2019

About Constellation

Nakshatra Mandala is the stellar neighbourhood of the solar system perceived as the starry night sky.
It is generally equated with Zodiac Map around the Earth and represent the different constellations visible to us from Earth.

Nakshatra Model

Lokas of Solar Planets :-
The next Lokas are the major solar planets viz. Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupitor and Saturn which are the abodes of the divine-beings called Budh, Shukra, Mangal, Brihaspati and Shanichar respectively.
The lokas of Solar Planets

An alternate view is that these are spherical shell regions in which the respective planet's orbit are situated and these shells contain one after the other in the order of Mercury, Venus, Mars,Jupiter and Saturn. These are believed to be located at a respective distance of 2,00,000 Yojans each.

Similarly, the Surya-Loka refers to the sphere of the Sun-god and the Solar neighbourhood. It is located at a height of 1,00,000 Yojanas above the Earth.
The most important thing about this Loka is that it is situated bang in the middle of the Bhuloka and Bhuvarloka, rotating through the time circle of the zodiac. Thus, it represents not only the center of the solar System, but also the center of the Universe!!

Surya-Loka represents the center of our Universe

Since allobservable data has shown the Universe to be expanding all around us, it may in fact be true that our solar system occupies the central position in the Egg-shaped Universe that we exist in. 

It is not so easy to determine the real space structure of the universe because there's no independent measure of distance in the universe. Hence, the astronomers have to look at a map of redshifts and directions in the sky from where the light has come. Then to get the distance to the source galaxy they have to assume the Hubble law.
Such observation have confirmed that numerical value of the galaxy redshifts are 'quantized',trending
to fall into distinct groups. According to Hubble's Law, redshifts are proportional to how far a Galaxy is from us and an analysis of these shifts shows that galaxies tend to be grouped into spherical shells  concentric around our home galaxy, the Milky Way.

Chandra Loka:-
Chandra is the sanskrit name of moon god and hence, this loka includes the satellites of moon as well as its orbital neighbourhood.
It should be remembered that when the scriptures talk about the sun or the moon gods , it does not imply that the staar and the satellite themselves are as revered Gods! There are deities who have been given the responsibility of these Heavenly bodies and they are the ones referred to by these terms.

Chandra-Loka, abode of the Moon-god

Moon influence the tidal processions and growth of vegetation therefore its considered the life giver for all living beings on earth. Here the celestial, intoxicating beverage called Soma is also available which is consumed by Indra and other Devas especially when they are getting ready for a battle.

Rahu is the north node of the Moon's orbit while its counterpart Ketu is the southern one . It is said to be situated 80,000 miles above the three previous Lokas and its responsible for causing the Solar and Lunar eclipse.
Astronomically, Rahu and Ketu are identified with the Ascending and Descending Nodes of the Moon which are the points where the orbits of Sun and Moon intersect and if the alignment is correct, either a solar or Lunar eclipse may occur.

Rahu and Ketu as Nodes of the Lunar orbit

Thus, these are not imaginary entities which periodically swallow the Sun and the Moon to cause an eclipse but Actual positions contributing to the eclipse. The ancients were after all not crazy and the myths actually have underlying science inherent in them.
Siddhaloka, Chandraloka, Vidhyadharaloka
These planets are spread from above the antariksh to the orbit of the moon. Their residents are born with all the mystic sidhis naturally, including the ability to travel to other planets without using mechanical contraptions.

Vidhyadharas/Angels visit earth as messengers

The Vidhyadhars are winged creatures corresponding to the western concept of Angels and Siddhas are advances beings who do need wings to fly on account of their mystic Yogic powers . Chaarans spend most of their time time travelling between the different planetory systems, eulogizing the Lord.
To me, the above mentioned three dimensions seem to represent the Divisions of Atmosphere which is quite neatly divided into three bands as well!!

The layers of Atmosphere between Sun and Earth

It is quite possible, that the three lokas mentioned here, actually refer to the Atmospheric layes of Thermosphere , Mesophere and Stratosphere and these entities exist there in an ethereal form.

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