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Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Mystical Places

This planetary system roughly corresponds to our Solar Sysytem and contains Five major planetory plus the Sun-God. However, there are two planets outside the Solar System included in this Dhruva Loka or Pole Star and the realm of the Supta-Rishis or Big Dipper.
Thse Lokas are the abodes of Semi-divine beings who are one notch higher than the Human. They assist the demigods in various ways and sometimes interact with the humans. By advancement in their service they can become a Demigod or by indulging in enjoyment, be born as a Human on the Earthly Realms.
It is the planetory complex revolving around the Polestar that is said to be 10,000,000 yojanas below the Mahabharata. It is described as the center of a bright ring of stars identified with our galaxy, Milky Way.
In every material universe, there is one Vaikunth planet with an ocean of milk where Lord Vishnu resides on an island called Shvetadvipa. In our Universe, this planet is situated in the Eastern side of Dhruvaloka and is the abode of Lord Kshirodakshayi Vishnu!

Brahma and the demigods meditating on Lord Vishnu at the Shvet-dvipa in Dhruv Loka 

This tranacendental island is 200,000 square miles and covered with desire trees for he pleasures of the supreme Lord who resides here with Goddess Lakshmi and other pure, transcendental entities.
As it is a spiritual planet, it is eternal and therefore remains when all other planets within the material universe are destroyed. It is believed to be the pivot for all material stars and planets with even the Sun, revolving at the speed pf 16,000 miles per second around the Dhruvaloka.
This loka is located at the Galactic Center which is formed by a Super-massive Black Hole which may act as a portal between the Physical and Spiritual Realms.

Sapta-rishi Loka:-
The abode of the Seven Great Seers or the Sapta-rishis located 100,000 Yojanas below the Dhruva-Loka.
The seven rishis are the most Advanced spiritual guides for Humanity and have been present at all major time perids of our History.Astronomically, their abode is recognized in the form of the Big Dipper or Ursa Major constellation and it always revolves around the Dhruv-Loka or pole Star.

Sapta-rishi Loka revolves around the Pole Star

Rishi Vashishth was the preceptor of the Solar Dynasty or Suryavansh while Vishwamitra was the guru of Lord Rama. There are numerous stories and legends in the ancient scriptures which relate the immense services these rishis have provided to different rulers on our planet since the beginning of time.

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