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Saturday, August 3, 2019

Space and Mid-part

The sky called Antariksh is the lowest of the higher Lokas and exists immediately above the Earth realm. It extends as far as the wind blows and clouds float in the sky and within it are the residences of Yakshas, Rakshashas, Pishachas, Ghosts, and other etheral things.
Now that we are done with Higher planets, Let's move on to the Middle level Earth-like worlds known as the Mrityu-Loka or Bhu- Loka.
Madhya-Loka or The Middle Planets:-
The Bhumandala comprises of SEVEN Planets giving rise to the Mortal Reaalm. These are:
1. Jambu-dvipa,
2. Plaksha-dvipa,
3. Salmali-dvipa,
4. kusha-dvipa,
5. Krauncha-dvipa,
6. Shaka-dvipa,
7. Pushkar-dvipa
We have already identified JAMBYDWEEP as our Planet, in a previous post {Jambudvip-The Global Island}. The other six planets aree arranged in a concentric around the central planet Earth.

Dvipas in their orbits with Earth in the centre

I wouldn't go much into the details of the different planets here because the descriptions more or less follow the same pattern as those of the Earth. All these planets have land surrounded by huge oceans and comprise of Humanoid species.
However, the denizens here live longer and are more materially opulent than the denizens of our world because right from Plaksh-dvipa to Shak-dvipa there is a perpetual Treta-Yuga which is a more conducive age than our present Kalyuga.
I hope most of you would have grasped the point to be noted here besides Earth there are SIX more planets which have Human beings inhabiting them!
The significance of this information is huge!! If only we could identify planets , we would be able to identify the location of OTHER intelligent species similar to us as well. I for one would be most eager to join to if someone  with access to astronomcal resources needed for this endeavor decides to take the initiative..
Till then, let us do what we can and learn more about the other Lokas.
Adho Loka or the Lower Planets:-
About 70,000 Yojanas below the earth begin the seven lower planetory systems. It should be remembered that these planets may be LOWER in spatial co-ordinates but are materially more opulent than even the Higher Planets hence they are known as the Bila-Swarga!
These geographically lower worlds are:

These residents here enjoy a standard of material comfort Unmatched by even the higher planets because the demizens of these worlds are concerned only with Material enjoyment and have very loittle Spiritual inclination.
These lower worlds are dark planets devoid of any Sunshine and are hence artificially-lit by means of huge reflecting surfaces in the form of crystals and gems! Since time is not divided into daysand nights due to no sun shine reaching these planets they have no fear produced by time.
These planets are the residence of Daityas, Danavas, Panis, Nivat-kavachas, Rakshasa Kalkeyas, Nagas, Uragas who are all engaged in illusory ,material enjoyment with no thought of spiritual liberation. All residents bathe in elixirs which free them from any anxiety or physical disease as wll as any signs of physical agin.

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