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Monday, August 5, 2019

Narak Loka and Universe Foundation

NARAK LOKA or The Hellish Planets:-
Narak is the hindu counterpart of Christian hell and Islamic Dozakh.
This place acts as a purgatory for the souls who have commited the most abominable actions on the earthly plane. Unlike the Eternal Hell of Western religions though, this place is temporary and once the soul has learnt its lesson, it is free to move back into the regular dimension.

Lowest of all are the Planets of Hell

There are 28 different hells described in the Vedic literature and these planets are:Raurav, Sukar, Rodha, Tal, Vishan, Mahajwal, taptakumbh, Lavan, Vilohit, Rudhiramabh, Vaitarni, Krimish, Krimibhojan, Asipatravana, Krishna, Lalabhaksha, Darun, Puyuvah, Pap, Vahnijwal, Adhahshira, Sandansh, Kalsutra, Tamas, Avichi, Swabhojan, Apratishtit, and Aprachi.

The different hells

The ancient sages have made provisions of expiation for those sinners who feel guilty in their conscience after commiting their sins. Only those sinners who do not expiate for their sins fall into these hells. Although life here seems to go on for an eternity, in actual fact the duration of one's Karmic sentence may be only seconds or moments.
All these hells are under the domain of Surya Putra Yamraj where he delivers judgement according to the record kept by his assistant Chitra-gupta.

Yamraj in his Court of Justice

As I understand the sins are paid off i hel onlyy when you have achieved the human form at the end of the 84 lakh birth you have taken. at all other times, the soul is immediately transferred to a new body as soon as it leaves the previous one.
Below these planets is the Garbhodak Ocean which forms the bottom of the Universal Egg or the Brahm-and.
Foundation of Our Universe:-
At the best of our Universe lies the immense Garbhodak Ocean n whivh reclines the second form of Lord Vishnu Shri Garbhodakdhayi Vishnu resting on the Eternal serpent. Ananta-Shesha.

Final arrangement of Lokas

Anant Shesh has thousands of hoods and each of the hoods carries a bright gemstone that illuminates the azimuths. At the end of every Kalpa, Brahma goes to sleep and rests for the night.
The time has come now for the Maha-Pralaya when fiery poison emanates from Amnata's thousands of hoods and destroys all Creation.This is the Sanskarshan form of the Lord from whose eyebrows appears the three-eyed Rudra who destroys the three worlds and dances of destruction known as the Tandava.
Lord Sanskarshan destroys the creation at the end of Brahma's day

From all that we have read about the different Lokas, Bhu-Loka or the Earth-Realm seems to be sort of a Launch-pad from where you can reach the other worlds based on your Karma.
Through Good Karma and right inclination one can ascend to the Spiritually advanced  Higher planets through OKAyish Karma indulgence of senses and unbridled desires one can descend to the Spiritually deprived but Materiall advanced Lower planets and through really really really BAD Karma one may have to suffer in one of the hellish planets.
This,I believe is the central learning from althis knowledge. Even if you are a Deva or a Rishi,
there's no guarantee that you won't be born as a Rakshas or an ant i  your next birth! There are numerous instances where a divine being was cursed to be born as a human or as a animal because of his bad Karma.

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